1. Multimedia and musical computer
The music-specific programming
language CAMI-Talk
(for Atari ST, Windows 3.11 --> Win 7)
Music-specific functions for
CAMI-Talk (and for Toolbook) (in collaboration with Dr.
Tillman Weyde, René Fauck, Dr. Martin Gieseking
Development of programs for
learning music
- Computerkolleg
Musik (Ear Training Courses 1-4 published by Schott
International in Mainz 1990, 1993; a Windows version of Courses
1-6, will be published by Schott in 1998) in collaboration with
Kai Schwirzke, Dr. Tillman Weyde
Multimedia CD-ROM Encyclopedia of
Musical Instruments (in collaboration with Prof. Dr.
Christoph Reuter, Cologne/Vienna)
CD-ROM InterAktives Osnabrück
(for the City of Osnabrueck, in collaboration with R. Fauck,
K. Schwirzke, 1995)
Interaktive CD-ROM Chinese
Musical Instruments (in collaboration with Dr.
Baoqiang Han, Beijing, P.R.China)
CD-ROM Encyclopedia of Musical
Electronics (forthcoming, to be published by Schott
Rule-based generation of musical
structures (in the AI-programming language Prolog), in
collaboration with Dr. Helmar Gust (Institut für Semantische
CD-ROM "Hearing harmonic
functions" (in collaboration with Bernard Schwenter,
Fribourg/Switzerland, René Fauck)
Web page design for the Deutscher
Musikrat, Bonn; collaboration in the development of a
comprehensive musical information system (MIZ),
along with Christine Flender, M.A., Cologne, and with Margot
Wallscheid, Deutscher Musikrat, Bonn
CD-ROM Composer Portrait of Oskar
Sala, in collaboration with Christian Spevak and supported by
the Erdenklang label
Internet- & Multimedia-Publishing (since 1999), --> Start,
since 2005 epOs-media, since 2007: epOs-français, Relaunch of
the Online-Presentation 2010 and 2017
DFG-Projekt (2001-2002): MUSITECH
- Music- and Sound-Objects in Information Technology
(Multimedia Publishing, Archiving, and Teleteaching)
(in collaboration with Prof. Dr. B. Müßgens, Prof. Dr. O.
Vornberger, Dr. E. Cordes)
2. Supervision of doctoral and
post-doctoral dissertations
The Computer for
Musicologists (Dr. Peer Sitter, published Osnabrueck
Computer-Aided Comparative Rhythm
Analysis (Dr. Tillman Weyde), Osnabrueck
2003, epOs-Music
Conception and implementation of
code-based generation of interactive score graphics for
music-specific multimedia applications (Dr. Martin Gieseking),
Osnabrueck 2001, epOs-Music
Stochastic Music (Dr. Hae-Jeong
Yoon),Osnabrueck 2002, epOs-Music
The composing styles of John
Lennon and Paul McCartney (Dr. Rolf Berger, Osnabrück
2007, epOs-Music)
Music and Media (Prof. Dr. Tobias
Wollermann, Osnabrück 2006, epOs-Music)
Analysis and perspectives of
interpretation of J.S. Bach's ´Art of the Fugue´, with the
help of object-oriented information technology (Prof. Dr.
Joachim Stange-Elbe, post-doctoral dissertation, in
collaboration with the Technische Universität Zuerich
Multimedia Lab, research scholarship provided by the Deutsche
Forschungsgesellschaft), Osnabrueck 2015, epOs-Music
Embodiment in interactive Music-
und Media performances (Prof. Dr. Jin Hyun Kim, Osnabrück
2012, epOs-Music)
Music and Virtuality (Dr. phil.
Arne Till Bense, Osnabrück 2013, epOs-Music)
Design of Popmusic (Björn
Design of interactive electronic
instruments (Ben Baecker)
3. Memoranda
Numerous memoranda concerning
conference projects, proposed post-graduate study programs,
post-doctoral dissertation scholarships etc., for the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Memoranda for various
foundations, concerning scholarship applications for theses
(Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung, Friedrich-Nauman-Stiftung,
Memoranda for doctorates,
'Habilitationen' and professorial appointments
Memoranda and planning proposals
for equipment and facilities at the Zentrum für Kunst und
Medien (Center for Arts and Media, ZKM)
in Karlsruhe
4. Further activities and projects
biennial (artistic consultant) and the congresses "Neue
Musiktechnologie" (coordination and direction), both taking
place together every two years 1991 -2001
Conception of the Music And
Computer Department (Computerklänge)
in the Heinz Nixdorf
Computermuseum, Paderborn
In the Winter Semester '96/97, a
virtual music seminar was carried out as one of the
"normal" courses offered by the Musicology department
Establishment of a musicological
Web Publishing entity on the Internet, sponsored by Osnabrueck
University and in collaboration with the Rasch university
publishing company Universitätsverlag rasch)
5. Memberships
Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik (DegeM)
Int. Arbeitskreis Systematische
u. Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft
für Musikforschung (gfm)
Arbeitskreis Musikpädagogische
Forschung (AMPF) *
Arbeitskreis Musikelektronik
(AME) *
Forum Musik Elektronik (FME),
(the association which organizes the KlangArt
Festival) *
Member of the Arbeitsgruppe
für Wissenschaftliche Information (Scientific
Information Work Group) at Osnabrueck University *
Founding member and Executive
Chairman of the Forschungsstelle
und Medientechnologie (FMT, Research
Department of Music & Media Technology) at Osnabrueck
University Faculty 3
Member of the National Expert
Committee on Music and Media, established by the Deutscher
Member of Forum Info 2000, Work
Group No. 8, Kunst und Kultur in der
Informationsgesellschaft (Art and Culture in Information
Member of
the Osnabrücker Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft since its
foundation in 1989 (OWiG),
member of the Executive Board since 2011, Chairman 2012-2014
* not actual