Photo Bernd Enders

Deutsch  Englisch


to the Homepage of

Prof. Dr. Bernd Enders





University of




Subject area: Systematic Musicology - Music & Technology

Mailing address:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Bernd Enders (i. R.)

University of Osnabrueck (FB 3)
Institute of Musicology and Music Pedagogy (IMM)
Research Department of Music & Media Technology (FMT)

Schloss-Hauptgebaeude (Castle - Main building)

D-49069 Osnabrueck (Germany)


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last update: 07.01.2021

Music is a compromise between boredom and chaos.
Lejaren A. Hiller, Pioneer of Computer composition

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Prof. Dr. Bernd Enders
Universitity of Osnabrück, FB 3



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